Picture of Ethel

ethel1 / soops

ethel1 (also known as soops) is a producer, singer-songwriter, and DJ from OREGON

on this website you can find information about my music, as well as posts and announcements


business/booking/inquiries email: [email protected]

instagram | bandcamp | soundcloud | spotify

recent posts

What's been up?


Acquired Taste
2018 | Fall/Winter
Discovery, forested lo-fi pop & hip-hop
Live from the Panic Room
2018 | Spring/Summer
Manic, experimental pop, R&B, electronic
Never Do Those Games
2019 | Win./Spr./Sum.
Desolate, folk-influenced, organic soul
August 2019 - March 2020
Released 2022 | Summer
A compilation of demos for an unfinished album I wrote in my senior year
Dance With Me
2021 | Fall/Winter
Free-form dreaming of dance and soul music
2022 | from March 2020
Self-titled return to emotional pop boundary pushing
Soops Goes Home
2024 | Upcoming
Looking back on family and country music in a double album